which of the following businesses has created a majority of net new jobs annually?
A rundown on key facts, numbers and trends regarding entrepreneurship and small business
American Business is Overwhelmingly Small Business
Based on data from the U.S. Census Bureau, there were 6.1 million employer firms in the United States in 2018 (latest data):
● Firms with fewer than 500 employees accounted for 99.7 percent of those businesses.
● Firms with fewer than 100 employees accounted for 98.1 percent.
● Firms with fewer than 20 employees made up 89.1 percent.
● Firms with fewer than 10 employees accounted for 78.4 percent.
Add in the number of nonemployer businesses – there were 26.5 million in 2018 (latest data) – then the share of U.S. businesses with fewer than 20 workers, for example, increases to 98.0 percent, and the share with fewer than 10 employees registers 96.0 percent.
C-Corps: Among employer C corporations in 2017 (latest data):
● 72.5 percent had fewer than 10 employees
● 84.6 percent had fewer than 20 employees
● 96.2 percent fewer than 100
● 98.9 percent had less than 500 workers
If nonemployer corporations (latest data 2018) are added in, then those with fewer than 20 workers come in at 89.2 percent of all C corporations, and the share with fewer than 10 employees registers 80.7 percent
Bulk of Job Creation Comes from Small Business
According to the SBA's Office of Advocacy:
● "Small businesses have accounted for 65.1% of net new job creation since 2000. (See the Office of Advocacy's "Frequently Asked Questions" publication.)
● "From 2000 to 2019, small businesses created 10.5 million net new jobs while large businesses created 5.6 million."
Also, as noted in SBA's "2020 Small Business Profile":
● Small businesses created 1.6 million net new jobs in 2019, with firms employing fewer than 20 workers generating 1.1 million net new jobs.
● And small businesses employ 47.1 percent of private-sector employees.
Small Business Share of Employment
According to data from the Census Bureau's Annual Survey of Entrepreneurs:
● Employer firms with fewer than 500 workers employed 46.8 percent of private sector payrolls in 2016.
● Employer firms with fewer than 100 workers employed 33.4 percent.
● Employer firms with less than 20 workers employed 16.8 percent.
The Small Business Share of GDP
A January 2012 report from the SBA's Office of Advocacy found:
"Small businesses continue to be incubators for innovation and employment growth during the current recovery. Small businesses continue to play a vital role in the economy of the United States. They produced 46 percent of the private nonfarm GDP in 2008 (the most recent year for which the source data are available), compared with 48 percent in 2002."
Source: "Small Business GDP: Update 2002-2010"
Small Business and Innovation
The SBA's Office of Advocacy notes:
"Small businesses represent about 96% of employer firms in high-patenting manufacturing industries, a percentage that remained constant from 2007 to 2012. However, during the same time period, small businesses' share of employment, payroll, and receipts increased. This increase was particularly notable in firms that manufactured computers and peripheral equipment, communications equipment, or semiconductors and other electronic components."
In addition, a 2008 study by Anthony Breitzman and Diana Hicks for the Office of Advocacy("An Analysis of Small Business Patents by Industry and Firm Size") found that "small firms are much more likely to develop emerging technologies than are large firms. This is perhaps intuitively reasonable given theories on small firms effecting technological change, but the quantitative data here support this assertion. Specifically, although small firms account for only 8 percent of patents granted, they account for 24 percent of the patents in the top 100 emerging clusters."
See the Office of Advocacy's "Frequently Asked Questions" publication.
See"An Analysis of Small Business Patents by Industry and Firm Size" here.
Small Business and Global Trade
The U.S. Census Bureau noted the following about small and mid-size businesses in the international trade arena in 2015:
• "Small- and medium-sized companies (those employing fewer than 500 workers, including number of employees unknown) comprised 97.6 percent of all identified exporters and 97.2 percent of all identified importers."
• "Among companies that both exported and imported in 2015, small- and medium-sized companies accounted for 94.3 percent of such companies…"
• SMEs accounted "for 32.9 percent and 32.0 percent of the known export and import value, respectively."
• Among all U.S. manufacturers: "96.4 percent of manufacturing exporters were small- and medium-sized companies and they contributed 20.3 percent of the sector's $798 billion in exports. 93.5 percent of manufacturing importers were small- and medium-sized; they accounted for 14.5 percent of the sector's $826 billion in imports."
• Among wholesalers: "99.1 percent of exporting wholesalers were small- and medium-sized companies; they accounted for 58.2 percent of the sector's $297 billion in exports. 99.1 percent of wholesaler importers were small- and medium-sized; they contributed 55.4 percent of the sector's $662 billion in imports."
Self-Employed Trending Down
Based on U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data,the level of entrepreneurship actually has declined in recent years. That is, the number of self-employed in the U.S. has dropped notably.
• Incorporated self-employed fell from 5.78 million in 2008 to 5.13 million in 2011.
• It climbed back to 5.64 million in 2016. So, after eight years, the number of incorporated self-employed remains well short of the 2008 level.
Unfortunately, the news is even worse when it comes to the larger measure of unincorporated self-employed.
• The number of unincorporated self-employed declined from 10.59 million in 2006 to 9.36 million in 2014.
While incorporated data only go back to 2000, unincorporated self-employed numbers date back decades. The 2014 number actually was the lowest since 1986. The level moved back up to slightly to 9.6 million in 2016.
• During the first six months of 2017, the number of unincorporated self-employed largely was stagnant.
See the Bureau of Labor Statistics "Employment Situation," Table A-9, historical data .
Millions of Missing Businesses
As noted in SBE Council's The State of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, we looked at an array of data and trends, and highlighted the fact that, when considering incorporated and unincorporated self-employed, and the number of employer firms, the U.S. is missing some 3.42 million businesses. And that number is probably a bit conservative. In an earlier SBE Council analysis titledGap Analysis #3: Millions of Missing Businesses , we also considered the broadest measure of the number of businesses taken from IRS tax returns. With diminished growth in this area, there are some 4.8 million missing businesses.
See SBE Council's The State of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, and titledGap Analysis #3: Millions of Missing Businesses .
Survival Rate for Small Businesses
According to the SBA's Office of Advocacy :
"About half of all establishments survive five years or longer… About one-third of establishments survive 10 years or longer."
The survival rate for new businesses in their first year has improved recently. According to the SBA Office of Advocacy, 79.9% of establishments started in 2014 survived until 2015, the highest share since 2005.
See the Office of Advocacy's"Frequently Asked Questions" publication here.
On Small Business Financing
According to the SBA's Office of Advocacy:
• Financing startups: "Startups make heavy use of personal equity and traditional debt, with over half using their own personal savings. Census Bureau data show that employers made greater use of financing than did nonemployers, but also continue to rely on personal savings. Roughly 30% of new nonemployer firms and 7% of employer firms used no startup capital."
• Business expansion: "Existing businesses use similar financing vehicles as startups to finance expansion. Personal savings are the most common source of expansion finance, followed by reinvestment of business profits."
See the Office of Advocacy's Small Business Financing: Frequently Asked Questions
More Details on Small Businesses
According to the SBA's Office of Advocacy :
• Home-based businesses: "The share of businesses that are home- based has remained relatively constant over the past decade, at about 50% of all firms. More specifically, 60.1% of all firms without paid employees are home-based, as are 23.3% of small employer firms and 0.3% of large employer firms."
• Franchises: "Overall, 2.9% of firms are franchises. More specifically, 2.3% of nonemployer firms are franchises, as are 5.3% of small employers and 9.6% of large employers."
• Family-owned businesses: "About one in five firms (19.3%) are family-owned."
See the Office of Advocacy's "Frequently Asked Questions" publication here.
Women-Owned Firms
Women's Business Ownership: Data from the 2012 Survey of Business Owners (See the full report here.)
• In 2012, women were majority owners of 9.9 million businesses which generated $1.4 trillion in sales and employed over 8.4 million individuals.
• In addition, another 2.5 million businesses were equally-owned by women and men, and they accounted for another $1.1 trillion in sales and 6.5 million jobs.
• As majority and joint business owners, women entrepreneurs generated $453 billion in payroll for 14.9 million workers through over 12.3 million businesses.
The infographic below covers some key data points from the SBA Office of Advocacy's May 2017 report, which can be accessed here.
which of the following businesses has created a majority of net new jobs annually?
Source: https://sbecouncil.org/about-us/facts-and-data/
Posted by: gilliamwough1983.blogspot.com
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